Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Curbing my LUTHER addiction with some Idris Elba movies....

So while I'm waiting for season 2 of that very cool British series, Luther to premiere here stateside, I've been hankering for anything with my man Idris Elba in it. And thanks to my friend Jennifer aka Morleysaurus, who has already seen the first two episodes of the new season which makes me want to see it even more. So I've been biding my time with some movies starring Mr. Elba. After viewing him on the big screen in Thor recently, I own several of his movies on DVD. I have watched RocknRolla with Gerard Butler; 28 Weeks Later, and The Losers. I even watched him in the late 90's British tv series Ultraviolet about vampires with the always cool Jack Davenport. So hopefully all this Idris viewing will tide me over until the new episodes of Luther start airing. I hope. Are there anymore Luther fans out there?

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