Saturday, March 5, 2011

80's Flashback: JUST ONE OF THE GUYS (1985)

One of the better of the 80's teen flicks. A girl named Terry Griffith (played by Joyce Hyser) who is a very talented writer on her high school newspaper gets miffed when her latest story is passed over in favor of some questionable articles written by other writers. Male writers. Terry thinks it's all sexism and to prove her point she masquerades as a boy and attends a rival high school to get her story published there.

Terry before her makeover....

Terry after her makeover.....

 Of course things don't go as smoothly as she had planned. For one she has to deal with the school's resident asshole Greg Tolan (played by that master of douchebaggery William Zabka, forever remembered as Johnny from the original Karate Kid movie). Zabka is every much the asshole in this one as well. As a matter of fact, he takes it to an all new level as he constantly torments the weaker students. He pretty much uses them as his own personal weights to keep fit. When Terry and him meet, it's instant animosity.

Douchebag Greg Tolan messing with Rick

Terry also hangs out with Rick (played by Clayton Rohner) a shy guy who is into James Brown. She eventually brings him out of his shell to become more outgoing. Trouble is, she ends up falling for him. Which creates trouble between her and boyfriend Kevin. Terry also has to deal with the unwanted advances of hot to trot Sandy (played by Sherilyn Fenn in one of her first major roles before her Twin Peaks stardom). Also actress Deborah Goodrich is great as Deborah, the girl Rick has been crushing on. Problem is that she happens to be Greg's girlfriend.

Rick just hanging out

And lets not forget Terry's younger brother Buddy (played by Billy Jacoby) who is constantly horny. His room is covered with playboy bunnies centerfolds and looks like a shrine. Buddy gets the majority of the best lines, which are plentiful in this very funny movie.

Terry having a bad morning and Buddy loving every minute of it

I watched the heck out of this film doing my high school days and loved every minute of it. And surprisingly it holds up very well today. Great music and a good selection of songs. A terrific cast having a good time. It all works perfectly.

Tension between Rick and Greg as Rick takes Greg's ex Deborah to the prom

I just watched it the other week and I was laughing pretty much the hold time. Just One Of The Guys is one cool movie. One of the best of the 80's high school flicks.

Terry: "You know, sometimes I just wish I was a guy." Buddy: "No you don't! The male body needs sex at all times! It's a living hell!"

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